키샷 렌더링 샘플 값 - kisyas lendeoling saempeul gabs

Ground Plane 크기는 최소 Environment의 반절 이상

배경과 그림자의 명도 비율이 낮을수록 이미지 데이터 압축 과정에서 그래디언트 밴드가 생길 수 있다

보통 Max Sample 사용. 샘플값 128부터 시작해 올려가면서 만족(보통 256, 고퀄은 512, 필요하면 1024도...?)

해상도는 1920*1080 필요하면 2560*1440


  • Let's look at the optical properties of PC and PET first:
    • Polycarbonate (PC) is an amorphous and thus naturally transparent thermoplastic polymer. It has excellent transmissivity and stable optical qualities. Hence the material is often used for prescription lenses.
    • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), on the other hand, has a crystallinity varying from amorphous to fairly high crystalline. This means that PET can be highly transparent and transmissive, but especially thicker sections tend to be more opaque or translucent and colored.

    What this means for KeyShot:
    • PC can accurately be represented by using 'Glass (Solid)' or 'Dielectric', since PC's optical properties are fairly similar to glass.
    • PET can accurately be represented by using 'Plastic (Cloudy)', since PET exhibits some translucency and scattering in thicker sections. 'Plastic (Cloudy)' allows for fine control over the amount of cloudiness (scattering) and transmission color. It can also be used for more crystalline plastics (more translucent), such as polyethylene and polypropylene.

    How to get started in KeyShot:
    The best starting point for PET is to drag and drop the 'Plastic Polypropylene Shiny 3mm' material from the KeyShot 7 Library onto your model.
    The three most important parameters are Transmission, Transparency and Cloudiness. These parameters work in unison, and changing one will impact the effect of the others.
    • Transmission: The transparent color of the material
    • Transparency distance: The distance at which the above color is achieved. Lower distance results in darker and more saturated material, higher distance results in brighter and less saturated material.
    • Cloudiness: The amount of scattering inside the material. Lower cloudiness is more transparent, higher cloudiness is more translucent.
    You will probably want to drop the Cloudiness value to get a realistic PET material.

오브젝트별 레이어 psd파일 렌더

Look into the 'Render Layer' dropdown below the scene tree when you have selected a part. By adding your product and groundplane to separate render layers and enable 'All Render Layers' in the output menu, you should get them in your psd on separate layers.

Additionally, need to check 'Add to psd' option in render dialog to get both into same file.

How To Render Only Shadows Layer PSD

https://youtu.be/m9jVsI5NODE?t=31m20s It should start at 31:20 which is where these topics are addressed.